Favorite Health Food: Peppers and hummus
Favorite Sinful Food: Chocolate cake
My Preferred Method of Exercise: Walking
My Approach to Weight Loss: 2 b Mindset and WW
My Weight Loss Program: Weight Watchers
My Diet Plan: I don't follow a plan
Fitness/Exercise Apps: I don't use any apps
Fitness Devices: I don't use a device
January Jumpstart w/ Ilana Muhlstein MS, RDN (Runner-up)
Fall In Love With Accountability (Runner-up)
Back To Schooling Your Weight Loss Goals (Runner-up)
Summer Strong With Ilana Muhlstein MS, RDN (Runner-up)
4 Weeks Until Summer w/ Ilana Muhlstein (Runner-up)
Crystal S. , Sharon B. and 5 others like this photo.
Liz M. , Crystal S. and 11 others like this photo.