Still not sure if I’ll win the last round. I’m weighing in tomorrow but I joined this one anyway. I love the community and I get to share with people that actually care to hear about weightloss related things. If you knew me from the last one say hi!!
Random topic, but does anyone have any recommendations or suggestions on socks? I’ve been increasing my steps every week, but I’ve noticed that my feet feel chafed after each walk. I’m really enjoying my new habit and I would hate to stop because of blisters.
I always go with black diabetic socks because they’re scrunchy looking and are super stretchy. Not sure if they’d help with chafing, though. You may want to go to a New Balance store and have them test you to see if you need a shoe with more support where you’re chafing.
After a really tough weekend I decided not to weight myself until today (Friday). I didn't want to see the number on the scale after making really bad choices all weekend because I knew that number would discourage me. I decided to weigh myself today to help keep me on track this weekend since the official weigh-in is next week and I really need to tackle my weekend being my weak spot.
Stepped on the scale this morning and I was shocked to see that made my goal ????. I worked really hard this week to stay on play and drink my water and I couldn't be more pleased with this. It's just such a perfect reminder for me to not let one/two bad days mess with all the progress I've made all month.
Hoping you all are having success. Thank you for doing this with me.
Anyone else have a strictly hate relationship the doctors office scales? 😆 granted I was fully dressed with knee high leather boots on but according to their scale I haven’t lost a pound when I’ve actually met my goal.
I decline to be weighed. Luckily none of the nursing staff insist I weigh. They just check my temperature and pulse ox and then point me to a patient room to wait for the doctor. I used to weigh whenever I was seeing a doctor but after having several physicians just want to focus on that rather than my acute medical issue I started refusing. It’s made going to the doctor much easier and way less stressful :heartpulse:
So, on average I've been eating 1500 less calories per day than I'm used to. I've been having heartburn. The only other time in my life I've had heartburn wash during pregnancy. Does anyone else have that happen, or had that happen?
I often have heartburn when I have had a big change in my dietary habits, whether good or bad. I am not sure what the science is on it, but give your body time to adjust to the new you. Maybe Mariele has got a point!
I am not prone to heartburn but I have gotten it in the past year or so when I heat a lot of fat for a few days. Had it really bad after Thanksgiving last was horrible!!!!! I did read that drinking pickle juice helps, something about the vinegar....i hope you get it figured out cause that burn is awful!!!