Good Morning Team! Happy Wednesday today we are officially 1 week into our game. Ideally at this point you'd want to be at 25% of your goal. Our weight can fluctuate; the first week can be water weight. Heading into this second week be realistic that the scale might not move as quickly as it did the first.
Everyday that we have in this game is so important to give 100% (even on the days that feel hard)
I have more hard days than I would like to admit & what keeps me pushing forward is knowing my health is improving everyday. I have come very far in my own weightloss (lots of ups and downs) and I can't give up now.
Where is everyone at with their goal? You don't have to share specific weights but let me know what % you are and what your plan is for our 2nd week.
I have been walking consistently and eating high protein/low carb meals. I've mentioned before but I tend to eat the same things over and over when I am working towards a goal. I made a bunch of turkey burgers last night and had them with a big salad for dinner, it was so good! I used mixed greens, tomatoes, avocado, feta cheese, black olives and a light balsamic dressing. I just try to switch my protein choices up to keep it somewhat exciting.
I responded last night to all who posted yesterday. If I responded I may have left a comment to email me for the builtbar giveaway. Please look at your notifications and email me your info. I will do another giveaway this week. Please make sure you are checking in here with your team, I want you all to get to your goal. WE CAN DO THIS!