Long-term goal weight
195 lbs
How many days per week do you exercise currently?
How many days per week would you like to exercise?
How would you rate your current diet?
What are your goals for the upcoming week?
stay calm
See lessFavorite Health Food: N/A
Favorite Sinful Food: Too many to choose from
My Preferred Method of Exercise: Martial Arts, Yoga, and Gymnastics
My Approach to Weight Loss: Take it one day at a time
Apr 1-2 Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes! - Round 3
Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes! (93 days to go)
Long-term goal weight
195 lbs
How many days per week do you exercise currently?
How many days per week would you like to exercise?
How would you rate your current diet?
What are your goals for the upcoming week?
stay calm
See less