- Happy Monday!
We're almost there; just a few more days! Stay focused, don't waver, keep pushing forward, and seize that victory!
It's time to brag about your successes! I know each of you has had successes, so let's hear them! This is one of my favorite times of the game; I love hearing your stories!
Whether you're on track to win this game or not, please know that any progress at all is a win. Any positive changes you made for yourself, are a win! Even if it's simply learning what does or doesn't work for you...that's valuable info for the future and also a win!
Enjoy these last few days my friends and keep that goal in sight! The final weigh-in is March 27-28 in Pacific Time!
DietBet members - Please make sure to submit the Final weigh-in, not a Progress weigh-in only.
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