Have real fun,

make real change.

Games that power the changes you
want to make in your life. It’s the better way
to lose weight—find out why.

Lost 62 lbs

Won $726

To anchor our games in a scientific foundation, we’ve partnered with Dr. Tricia Leahey and her team at Brown Medical School and The Miriam Hospital's Weight Control and Diabetes Research Center.

Our first paper was published in the peer-reviewed journal, JMIR Serious Games. A Web-Based Program that Uses Social Gaming and Financial Incentives to Promote Weight Loss won The Obesity Society’s eHealth/mHealth Section Poster Competition and was presented by Dr. Leahey at The Obesity Society’s annual meeting in November 2013.

We are also working together on a large-scale survey that evaluates which weight loss programs, diet plans, and apps are the most effective, easy to follow, and sustainable based on feedback and verified weight loss data from thousands of players completing our games. The DietBet Report will be released in 2016.