Being prepared ahead of time if probably the most vital compenent when it comes to sticking to your fitness plan!
Lets start with meals. Its fine to say youre going to eat 5-6 healthy meals a day, lots of people can, but the reason many people don't is CONVENIENCE! Its much quicker and easier to grab a sandwich or go to a drive through than it is to cook chicken and weigh out the proper portions you need. So... to solve this, dedicate one or two days a week to prep all your food for the following days!
Personally I like Sunday's and Wednesdays. So every Sunday and Wednesday I prep my 3-4 days worth of meals! This keeps me organized and adds the convenience factor of junk food, to healthy food! If your meals are made and ready to go in your fridge, you're WAY more likely to eat them and stick to your diet. (Trust me, I know from experience... :).
Preparation also works when it comes to training! Each week, set out what days you're going to train what muscle groups. If you schedule it out, and you know you need to go, then it's much easier to stay on track! It very easy to get tired one day, then two days, and before you know it, youve missed a week at the gym! If you wakeup Wednesday morning and you have it in your calendar that today is shoulder day, then when you get home from work you're much more likely to stick to it and get your butt to the gym! Working this way allows you to shecdule in rest days too. I've had days where i'm so exhausted, the last thing I want to do it train, but if I know I need to lift that day, and I have the next day scheduled as a rest day, I suck it up and workout, because I know i can relax all day tomorrow!