So many people are scared of weight loss because there are so many fads out there, and its confusing to know what will or will not work! Well... I'm here to help teach you some tips that you can implement into YOUR life, that will produce great results without flipping your whole life upside down. The number one thing I tell people is... make small weekly changes for results! Don't change everything all at once, for two reasons. Reason 1, theres a slim to none chance you'll actually stick to a new diet and training plan if its too drastic. Reason 2, your body will go into shock from a big change and it can actually hurt your progress in the long run!
So having said that, my first tip is...drum roll please...MEAL TIMING! Now, to start, this doesnt even involve changing your diet (I know, crazy right), the fact is, that simply spacing your meals at the right times throughout the day can have a positive impact on weight loss!
The average person eats 2-3 big meals a day with snacks in between. This causes your body to go into starvation mode and it will store more of what you eat as fat! My general rule of thumb is to make sure youre having a meal (now I will explain what I mean by a meal shortly), at least every 3 hours throughout the day. On a typical day, that will work out to about 6 meals. Now these meals aren't going to be huge like what most people consider a meal. They will be smaller portions consistently throughout the day to help stabilize metabolism and blood sugar spikes, resulting in fat loss.
For example... Lets say you eat 2500 calories a day on average, and lets say right now that consists of a big lunch (say a sandwich, a snack, and some milk) and a big dinner (say chicken, rice, veggies and a cookie for dessert :) ). Now, youre putting about 2000 calories of your whole day into these two meals, with the remainin 500 spaced into little snacks along the way. Lets keep the same diet, and split up the timing! Cut the sandwich in half, now Meal 1 = half a sandwich and a snack, meal 2 = half a sandwich and your milk. BAM, now youre eating every three hours and getting your body on a schedule, Meal 3 and 4 will follow suit for the chicken and rice, then the remaining 500 calories can come from breakfast, say a small bowl of oatmeal, and your pre bedtime snack, say some almonds and a salad.
By simply doing this you've effectively sped up your metabolism with NO diet changes. Its a great starting point to get yourself into a routine and you will begin to see some weight loss because of it!
Stay tunes for more tips and blogs, and remember to sign up for my current weight loss challenge "Amy's Summer Shred" so I can help you along the way!! :)