I can't believe this....
This is the first time in a long time that I've wanted to cry for food.
Picture this: Vegan(me) coming home from a long day of work, I make myself an all fruit smoothie deliciousness. I decide it's better to work out and shower before dinner. I put my potatoes on the stove(mashed potatoes - my go to cooked food). I'm almost done with my work out and tell my housemate(mom) to turn the stove off because they were done and she was in the kitchen. Theeen I finish my sweat session(I'm actually tearing up thinking about this) I see her mashing my potatoes and she put soo much water and even a bit of oil, shit is like soup. I wanted to cry right there.
I lost it, showered and made myself another smoothie for dinner. I only had enough potatoes for today and tomorrow, so I'm can't steal my future potatoes for today... And it's not like out of the blue I'm like this, my mother knows if I'm making food, do NOT touch it!! -___________-;;
I make my mashed potatoes real good, not too mushy, no lumps. I thinks of the delicious goodness all day. And then.. I can't even.
It was soooo depressing I had to share.
Although my consolation smoothie I made myself is hella delicious, it's not mashed potatoes..
-Viccky(Instagram: @vicckysofit )
P.S.. Yes I fucking love food, no I don't share unless I offer, or maybe I owe you something big. Food is what gives me Energy, life. I just......It's love. Don't fucking mess with my food!!
pic: super plain delish mashed potatoes I was craving.