Groceries Today:
-4.5lbs apples
-125 bananas
-3 $3 shirts (woohoo clearance!!)
-doggy snacks &doggy sweater (more clothes in clearance!!)
-1 shih tzu (he's free - lol)
Total: $51.38 ($23 not bananas)
Why so many bananas?? Well because I'm doing a 5 day banana cleanse. Inspiration from @freeleethebananagirl among other places. 30 bananas a day for the next 5 days.
[[DISCLAIMER: 1. but seriously if you do anything like this make sure them bananas are ripe and spotty!!! This picture of my bananas, they are NOT ready to eat!! I do have some ready for tomorrow, but these need a couple days at least. 2. I know what I'm doing, I'm not depriving/starving myself. Like I said yesterday: Only 5days, don't like it? That's fine. Bye. :). ]]
If you're wondering how I'll eat them, the bananas, mostly in smoothies ^_^ roughly 3 meals a day, 10 per meal at the end to have 30 a day. I'll have short update as I got through with the next 5 days!
Now about this potassium business..
People who suffer with diabetes, kidney diseases and renal failure cannot metabolize many minerals, potassium being one of them, they're the ones who would mainly have to be careful with high potassium intake. The Institute of Medicine recommends roughly 4,000mg per day minimum, about 9 bananas(400mg). The lethal dose of potassium chloride is 2500mgs per kg of body weight in 30 seconds. I would have to consume roughly 600 bananas in 30 seconds.... Impossible, not a record I'm trying to attain, sooo we're good. Lol. Although the dangers of too much potassium in the body(generally caused by disease) can include muscles and nerves to short circuit and heart to stop. I'm sharing this information because I get reactions of all kinds in my real life, people are misinformed or don't have enough of the information. But seeing the world we're in, here in the States anyway with fast food 'restaurant' every other corner, and advertisements with so many options of all the processed bad stuff, that just eating fruit is 'extreme.' I walked in to the Market today and the first thing there was huge bags of chips, donuts and sodas, behind that was the fresh produce.
I'm just being healthy, eating basic things my body can digest easily and fast. I'm not going to have speech for every single person I talk to so might as well put it in this blog. XP Don't hate me for this mini rant.
Let food be thy Health. -Hipocrates
-Viccky (IG: @VicckySoFit)
P.S. I appreciate any information any you want to share. xx