Welcome to our #TeamLacey Dietbet Challenge.
I need everyone to get your weigh-in and before photo in as soon as you can. If you're open to it, post your before pictures so I can see what my team looks like.
Today/Tomorrow: Get in your first workout, I want to know what you do without me telling you what to do. I've scrolled down the page and see how motivated everyone is... It's so inspiring. I LOVE how you're cheering each other on. That's what's going to make these 4 weeks even more special.
THE FIRST WEEK: It's about getting clear on what you want to accomplish over the next 4 weeks. How you're going to do it and who in your life will support you... And more importantly who won't. It's crucial that you focus on what YOU need in order to be successful on my program for the next 4 Weeks. It's your responsibility to not let anyone or anything distract you from your goals.
THE POT IS GROWING: I just found out we have 7 MORE DAYS, March 14th - 15th PST to continue inviting people and increasing the BET. Fun times at DietBet.com we've hit over $26,000 today! WOW, WOW, WOW... Keep sharing on social and see how many more #TeamLacey participants we can recruit!
TUESDAY: I'll be posting a team calendar and later in the week meal suggestions. I want this first week to be about you figuring out you before I give you tons of direction/coaching. The wall is for all of us to stay connected, ask questions, help each other out and stay committed to success. I'll do my absolute best to be there for all 800+ of you.
WANT MORE MOTIVATION? FOLLOW ME EVERYWHERE: My mission is to inspire you to be your best every single day. Practice awesome consistently and with time you will BE MORE AWESOME.
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2. Instagram
3. Twitter
5. Youtube
Lets ROCK Day 1, ok????!!!!
Coach Lacey Xx