Rebounding is crucial, and if you can apply that same mentality to life I can guarantee excellerated results. What do I mean?
In College basketball when you miss a basket there's no time to get upset because if you move quickly enough after the "miss" you will get the rebound and you will get a second chance at "scoring." The key is to know how to make up for your “mistake” immediately. The players that would react negatively and have a pity party for a second would miss the rebound and if they played on my team in college they would be pulled out of the game to sit on the “bench.”
The same holds true for life. When something goes wrong you have two options. You can let it motivate you to be better or let it stop you and hold you back from your success in the game of fitness/life (In sport when you let adversity affect you to long you will be sitting on the bench instead of being on the court and getting to play/live). When you make excuses after mistakes/misses rather than taking responsibility for why it happened you're doing yourself a disservice. In sport you might say I got fouled it’s not fair… You will get “fouled” people won’t see it… So what? You can whine about it if you want, but guess what? No one really cares and the only person that gets hurt is you.
Second option say f*ck it, and attack the setback in the most positive way possible. After the miss you still play to win by going after the rebound and not letting your mistake hold you back from the score or your success.
The most successful people I train have the quick to rebound mentality. Excuses: My kids, my husband, my job, I’m tired, I didn’t go to college so that’s not possible for me, she's rich it's easier for her, I’m not pretty enough… This is all kind of bullsh*t. I know tons of people with annoying husbands and new born babies, and fortune 500 companies with only a high school diploma.
Think about it.