I hate running. In elementary school, I did a couple of sports, but quickly decided that they were not for me (in soccer, I enjoyed being goalie or defense because they didn't have to run too much, and I couldn't even handle basketball when I was playing because I just saw it as pointless running). In middle school, I always had my nose in a book, and in high school, I was a drama geek.
Fast forward a few years later, and I'm overweight. I know that exercise is good for me. I enjoy walking on trails and just being outside. What I don't enjoy? Being exhausted. You know the feeling? Your lungs are burning. You're about to fall down because you can no longer feel your legs and/or they feel so heavy that you think they're going to fall off. You are having trouble breathing, and you stop because you start to have a coughing fit. Your heart is pounding so fast that you think you're about to have a heart attack. Sweat is coursing down your back and you know, you just know that you look like an idiot compared to everyone else around you.
So, please tell me, why did I decide that downloading Zombies, Run! 5k Training was a good idea?
Maybe it's because I've learned that, through games like Just Dance and Wii Fit, some exercise can be fun. Maybe it's because I like that there's a storyline (ok, so I still have my nose in a book most of the time). Maybe it's because my mom suggested it to me. Maybe it's because I've joined DietBet, and in addition to losing weight, I want to be more active and healthy. Maybe (and this is the kicker) it's because I want to like running.
I want to be able to go running on trails and not feel those horrible effects of running (or, if I do, I want to embrace them as a testament of being active). I want to be able to keep up with my friends and family. I want to be able to see how I can cut down my time. I want to have a less than 10 minute mile. I want to have something that shows myself that I can do this.
Why did I download the 5k Training instead of the other version? One, it was cheaper. Two, it takes me through eight weeks of endurance building, workouts, and stretches until, by the end of week 8, I should be able to run a 5k. All this with the threat of zombies chasing after me. Hopefully, buy the end of week 8, I'll enjoy running enough to download Zombies, Run! and continue my story fighting and running from zombies.
Or maybe, at the end of it all, I just want to be able to outrun a group of zombies. You know, just in case the zombie apocalypse comes.