So, I just completed my second workout for my Zombies, Run! app. It hasn't been too bad (though I have been working up a sweat), since most of it is walking. This is actually my third "run" so far, since I went through "The Story Begins" on Monday and did Week 1 Workout 1 on Tuesday.
On Monday, I was basically just listening to the storyline and walking/running whenever I felt like it (the voices didn't really tell me when I should/shouldn't run, but I tried to run whenever I heard zombie sounds). It didn't take me long to remember another thing that I hate about running: cramps. For some reason, I always get one in the same exact area every time I work out... on my right side, right under my ribs. When I got home, I realized that my ankles bled a bit, due to new shoes and a lack of calluses.
On Tuesday, since I remembered that my ankles bled the day before, I decided to put some bandaids on my ankles, hoping that they would provide a bit more cushion until my shoes became worn in. It worked! The workout was to walk for 10 minutes, then repeat one minute walking and 15 seconds running ten times. Once that was done, I had a 10 minute free form run. During the free form run, I mostly walked, but decided to run three or four more times. Upon arriving back home, I sat down and noticed my legs were twitching uncontrollably... and so I decided that a nice long soak was in order (I had to treat myself some way, right? I mean, from hating running to running two days in a row, it was a HUGE improvement!)
Today, I did the same workout again, but this time, the bandaids didn't really stick. Between the fourth and fifth round of the walk/run section, I had to pause so that I could re-stick my bandaids onto my ankles. Other than that, the run wasn't too bad. However, when I got back home, I took off my shoes and saw that my socks (that were previously new) had splotches of blood on the back. The left sock was much worse than the right. The bandaids failed me today.
So far, it hasn't been too bad. I've been doing these at night, since I'm living in a desert and I feel like I would die if I attempted to do this during the day, and it's been nice to just have some time to look up at the moon and stars. We'll see how I feel with next week's workouts...