Two years ago I ballooned at 190lbs. I lost the weight by doing Tony Horton's 10 minute trainer and combining it with Shaun T's Focus T25 workout videos. I was very active, drinking protein shakes and eating healthy. Then I transferred to another base and start doing international trips. My eating habits got out of whack and now back at 183lbs. I was eating ice cream in first class, drinking and eating out with other flight attendants on my layovers and basically not exercising because of lack of sleep. Not happy right now! You can't really tell because I have been wearing my dark uniforms and wearing my blazer to hide my spare tire. Urgh! Last week was a wake up call and my Doctor told me I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I don't want to end up on medication, so I am going to lose the weight. I am up for the challenge.
1. Bread
2. Salted Nuts
3. Sugary Drinks
4. Desserts
5. Grains (rice, etc.)
1. Be consistent with my FITBIT and fitness goal
2. Start logging my calorie intake
3. Drink more water
4. Create a journal.
5. Portion control and no drinking alcohol.