Alright, I will admit it. Yesterday I ate three large donuts, drank a few cans of pepsi and did not exercise. I let the stress get to me and threw my focus to the side. Tsk, tsk. You know those days where it rains it pours? Well here it has literally been pouring outside for the past few days, until today.
Let me first start out by saying that my recently turned one year old son is getting his molars. He is getting them multiple at a time and is not sleeping well. Which in turn of course means I am not sleeping well. He will not lay down for a nap during the day. When I finally do get him to sleep at night I try to catch up on work and chorse. However, that always turns to bite me in the end because no sooner to I close my eyes... he is awake screaming in pain.
I woke up yesterday after a three hour block of sleep to find sopping wet carpet. My house is literally falling apart and I put up with it since I am saving up for a new home rather than invest to fixing my current one. So naturally my reaction to find out my roof was leaking was a mixture of extreme frustration and really not being surprised at all. I can fix the roof easily so it is not the complete end of the world. This place was not in that great condition when I moved in, but it was a step up from living out of my car (which I had been doing, long story).
Shortly afterwards I went to the cupboard only for it to come off in my hand. Either I do not know my own strength or I should have replaced the screws a long time ago. Hey, if you can not find humor in it what is the point? I chalk this all up to the house secretly knowing I am planning my escape to a much newer model and is trying to punish me. For a day it worked.
Between my construction issues I was also greeted with less than welcome news concerning my business. Rather than do the smart thing and work off my frustration with some cardio or yoga I did the big no no... I reached for the donuts. Yes, I did and yes they were delicious. However, they were in no way as filling or as gratifying as they would have been if they were the healthy breakfast I had planned. It was all downhill from there.
Thankfully, I woke this morning with a clearer head. I got up early, had a delicious fruit smoothie and went to the grocery store. I stocked up on all of my favorite healthy treats that I have been neglecting for far too long and even bought a pedometer (which of course is broken and has to be exchanged!) As soon as I got home I did a short workout and updated myfitnesspal which has also been neglected.
I have also made the concious decision to incorporate meditation or yoga into my daily routine. There is a lot of stress in my life. What is listed above barely hints at the tip of the iceburg. I know myself pretty well and I know that I am a big time stress eater. With that in mind I made sure I picked up celery and carrots which are a much better option to chow down on than donuts and potato chips.
Sometimes you just have to take a step back and reavaluate the situation in order to find the path again. That is exactly what I am going to do. I am determined to beat this challenge, not just for the sake of beating it but to better myself in the long run. It is time to put being healthy back on my list of qualifications.
Deep breaths everyone and good luck in your challenges!