How do I find the words to describe how the last 30 days has changed me, inspired me, and given me a long term goal? First off, I think we can all agree that Karina Smirnoff has been an absolutely amazing motivator. If it were not for her I would not have joined Dietbet at all. She was a very hands on coach, something I noticed from talking to some other people is not always the case.
Karina checked in daily, liked every single one of our updates, encouraged us when we were feeling disheartened and reminded us that even if we did not lose weight right away changing our lives for the healthier was an accomplishment in itself. She posted youtube videos to demonstrate workouts rather than just telling us what to do. I found this particularilly helpful because form means so much when it comes to exercise. Karina, thank you, not just from me but from everyone else you inspired. This group really brought a lot of people together.
With that said I want to say these past 30 days were not only inspiring, but they were extremely challenging! At first I was surprised at my consistant .2lbs weight loss per day once I increased my water intake and started exercising at least 30 minutes a day. However, trying to change your diet over night is practically impossible. I slipped quite a few times. Finally I mustered up the courage to go through the pantry and toss out all those overly processed and sugary snacks. No more donuts, I cut out soda pop completely (which left me caffiene depreived and exhausted), I started baking only healthy foods, and said goodbye to cereal.
Thankfully after the first two weeks it got a LOT easier. I settled into a consistant workout routine, which I made sure to mix up and not do the same thing everyday in order to continue challenging myself. I did hit a plateau for about four days on the third week and I was so disappointed in myself. However, I went back to the bet page everyday and read everyone's comments. I was not alone in my struggle. Everyone was so encouraging of one another. Complete strangers were so willing to lift each other up. I was so inspired by it I made sure to join in on it and you know what? Lifting up others helped me stay positive as well. I went harder at my workouts and ate even healthier, it was not enough just to cut calories like I had been doing.
Amazingly when the last week had approched I had a little over a pound to lose. I was certain it was not going to happen, but I refused to let myself think that. I focused on making sure I hit those 10,000 steps on my pedometer, drank water like I was going to cross the desert, and practically became a vegitarian. For some reason mediation really helped me not be hungry. I think it was because I was less stressed. (Since quitting smoking eating has been my go to.) Then, it happened, three days before the end of the challenge I had actually surpassed my goal weight. Talk about happy dance!
So now I want to share my success with you. I truly believe if you join the correct Dietbet for you it will make a huge difference in your life. For me I don't even care about the money because I had so much fun!
I have before and after pictures and before and after measurements to share. So here it goes:
Arms 11 3/4" - 11"
Bust 31 3/4" & 37" - 30 1/2" & 35 1/2" (Wah!)
Waist 31" - 29 1/4"
Hips 36 1/2" - 34"
Booty 40" - 38"
Thighs 22 3/4" - 21 3/4"
Calves 14 1/2" - 15 1/4" (Yes I gained!)
Weight 156.6lbs - 150lbs even.
I wanted to prove to people that you may think a few pounds doesn't make a difference, but it really does. Toning is so important. I see such better definition in myself. My posture especially has improved. After having to have a sudden c-section with my son in April 2014 I unfortunatly was left with diastasis recti which is the seperation of abdominal muscles. It takes a long time to heal and traditional crunches will not do the trick. So for you women out there who have had children and have a hard time toning your stomach muscles, I feel your pain! Also, I have some stretch marks, so I don't mean to offend anyone, but I am not offended by them at all. He was a 9lb 8oz kid there was nothing I could do to prevent it! The before picturess were taken on the second day of the challenge and the afters were taken about an hour after my weigh in.
EDIT:Unfortunately, I can not for the life of me figure out how to post photos in this blog... :-( This makes me very sad. HOWEVER, I made the bold move to post them on my instagram! Check them out! https://instagram.com/ashleyhengy89/
Thank you again to Karina, and all of the friends I have made through this dietbet. I hope we all do another one again some day!