For day Two, i had planned on doing something to burn some extra calories. Somehow i talked myself into other "important things" I needed to do. I wouldnt say i missed the mark exactly, but i feel i could have tried harder. I was able to get some overdue erands ran. Get new mirovwave, check. Pick out some new carpet,check. Price some fenceing, check. Athough i was moving, it wasn't any more than I would normally do. By the time I made it back to my house mid afternoon, i hade talked myself out of doing anything to really get my heart rate up,and burn calories.
I don't know about you,but when i'm out shopping, it is always the worst for me when i get hungry. My tipical stop is by McDonalds, large tea, burger and fries or something simular. This habbit has went on for years. I did stop, and did get fries, but no Tea, and swiched to a chicken sandwich. This is not a huge change, however i am glad i at least was more aware when ordering my greesy goodness. We are now on day 3 (morning), a new day, and that means i can start all over and try to get it right. I will post what the rest of my day went,this evening. I have never blogged so this is more of an open jounal for me to stay accountable to myself. Till later and stay strong
Michelle B.