I havent wrote in a few day's but I thought I would play catch up today.
The dreaded scale has finally started moving backwards just a little bit now. I have been staying pretty buisy mainly from Fall cleaning around the house and yard work. I have managed to get a few short walks in while trying to heal a sprain in my foot. Today when I awoke I entended to just take another short walk down the road. Before I knew it, I grabed my key's and water, and headed for the trails once more. It was just to pretty a morning to walk the boring road again. I got to where I was going,parked the car,did some stretches,and took off up the hill. For some strange reason all the trails i like to hike start by going uphill. after alot of heavy breathing and wondering if i was realy feeling up to this so early,I focused my attention on why I set my goals. After quick review in my head, I picked up my pace not to think like that again. What started out as just an idea of getting up to walk turned into a 7 mile hike. The fall colors our looking very vibrant now, and there were even a couple of deer incounters along the way. I stopped every now in then just for a few seconds to admire something that cought my eye or to snap a quick picture. On my way back after about a couple of miles or so, I ran into some fellow hikers, a little further and some more. There were four other groups total. I couldnt help but notice that they all seemed to have that look I was carrying earler as I started "do I realy want to do this) look. I told all of them good morning, and asked how they were doing today. I got mixed responses from OK to Tired, i'll make it I guess, and one, good how are you. Of coarse i look back and said oh i'm great,it is such a pretty morning for a hike isn't it? And it was, it didn't feel like it at the start, especially going stait up, but after refusing to think obut why I didnt want to, I ralised how much I did. Hope you all have a great day.
Michelle B