I have lost 6 pounds. This is motivating. I needed this motivation to keep going. I didn't weigh this morning due to the fact that my instestines felt like they were being ripped outside my body last night by some evil source known as a stomache bug. I will not go into the gory details. I have to remind myself most people reading this are not in the medical field and wouldn't appreciate my narrative nearly as much as my coworkers do over our dinner break. This snafu of course has rendered me nearly useless for any type of physical exertion for today minus the running to the bathroom all night and most of the day I have tried to rest and suck on ice chips. I hope to be better by tomorrow and I am planning on rideing my exercise bike, if I am feeling really good and it isn't raining I think I may take my mule out for a trail ride, Yes I mean a live mule. Rooster is my loyal companion who is always eager to see me. Through the years as we have ridden through miles of trails he has learned all my secrets and fears. Rooster knows how to make feel better with a gentle nudge with his muzzle he lays his sweet head on my shoulder and whispers sweet nothings in my ear. He is also good at keeping me from overeating, you may ask how? well if I don't pay attention when we stop for a lunch break he will steal my food and eat it for himself. Rooster especialy loves cheetos, cheetos our obiviously not suppose to be part of a mules diet. He has gone as far as ripping a bag open and poring them out to munch on them. Due to the fact the mules shouldn't eat cheetos I have now eleminated them from my saddle bag. I now only take mule friendly food plus a sandwich with me when we go out. Apples and carrots for both of us. I have neglected Rooster over the last several months as my weight climbed and depression grew. Do not fear he was fed watered and vetted properly. I just didn't spend any extra time with him and I stopped takeing him out for rides. He still has continued to greet me eagerly braying evertime he sees me and jangling the chain on the pasture gate. I am going to change this and start rideing again. I have missed it and his companionship so much. Happy trails.