I am struggling, and by struggling I mean eating pizza last night. I know not the best choice for my weight loss endeavors. It was most definalty a form of self sabotage. I can now see Jilean Micheals incedulaous face. I literally fell straight off the wagon into an abyss of pizza destruction. Today, however is a new day with new possibilties. I must come up with a better plan. I must devise a weekly menu and the appopriate foods to go with said menu. I dread this it lacks any form of spontaniety, at the same time I look forward to it for the very same reason I dread it. I am not the most organized individual on the planet. I know this my fourteen year old told me this when she was ten. She said mom if you just organized what you had to do it would be so much easier, you should know where you put the papers your a mom. Geez right out of mouths of babes. This may have been an eye opening event for others, but I am a slow learner , and just went on hapharzerdly looking for said papers. I have lived a good majority of my life this same way. In a hapharzard half done sorta way. It is not like I am totally irresponsible. My kids are alive and fed kudos to mom here. I pay my bills and show up to work on time. I do however miss scheduled appts from time to time. I am sure the doctors office hates me. I leave or loose my calander book. I feel it is perfectly acceptable to have a giant laundry basket of socks. I hate folding socks! My family understands if they want folded socks in the dresser they must do this themselves. I have vowed to change my ways a thousand times. Change is not easy it makes the person changing uncomfortable it makes the people around you uncomfotable. They no longer know what to expect. I will now stop blogging and get to working on the dreaded menu, and then maybe just maybe I will fold some socks.