Yep that photo is the way I feel right now.
It’s the 5th Jan and 4 days into this new lifestyle. I have to tell myself ‘lifestyle’ as if I say it often enough maybe one day I’ll believe it. It is only 4 because the 1st Jan I was far to hung over to participate in anything else but breathing.
So far I have managed to keep myself away from the coke, the brown cola kind, not the powder.
However my sleep patterns are so messed up right now I am really tired. Being one of the suckers who has had to return to work this early in the new year it is making concentrating a massive challenge.
I would love a nap at my desk right now, but apparently that isn’t good work behaviour ppfffttt. Half the company is on leave this week, do you think anyone would notice if I went home?
There was a post on Facebook with a bunch of exercises to do each night of the week and I got very excited yesterday and took a screen shot with the promise to do them last night. Do you think that happened? HA HA. No.
After getting home last night and doing the dinner, dishes, bath kids, put them to bed routine. I found myself in my PJ’s on the couch before I knew what was happening. Kind of like auto pilot. So the only exercise I got last night was poking my belly and watching it wobble.
Just incase anyone else has the same intentions here is the photo with the daily exercises, if you manage to actually do them. Let me know.
As it’s the new year my husband work shuts down for half of Jan so he is home with the kids. The plus side to this is I don’t have to get them ready in the morning. YAY , no whinging, no complaining, no “can you help me put my sock on” … uuuumm you're 8. NO! Do it yourself kid.
I have decided to use this time to go for a walk. So far I am 2 for 2. The walk is just over 3km from the car park to my work. I can’t say I am walking with as much enthusiasm as someone trying to lose weight should, but hey I’m walking. The other item on my list was to use the stairs to get to my desk rather than the lift. The score on this one is 0 for 2. After the 3km walk and just about being asleep on my feet I haven’t managed to talk myself into walking up 13 … yes that’s THIRTEEN flights of stairs. It might happen eventually, but most likely not this week.
I really need to find some motivation to get this weight loss thing happening, and some motivation to actually be productive at work. If I could spend 6 months on a tropical island I am sure that would help. Anyone want to subsidise this? I am sure it could be written off as a charitable donation. :-)
Wednesday night I will be going back to bootcamp, which I have been going to for 12 months now. And I must be the first person in the history of the world to put on weight while doing bootcamp. Perhaps I should give Guinness book of Records a call and claim that world record. It seems I have the ability for my weight to fluctuate in a ridiculous way… so here’s the run down. Using this website - https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/comments/1zflvd/weight_loss_in_comparison_to_everyday_mostly/
- Between Jan to July 2013 I lost 42kg - the equivalent of a newborn calf
- I then held steady for a few months
- Between Jan 2014 to Oct 2014 I GAINED 15kg – the equivalent of a cinder block
- Between Oct 2014 and Apr 2015 I lost 15kg – good bye cinder block
- Then I hurt my back, had to change jobs, completely lost my motivation and between Apr 2015 to Dec 2015 I GAINED … drum roll please … a disgusting 24kg – a little more than a small bale of hay.
Perhaps there is another world record for the most amount of weight gained in the shortest amount of time.
All over the shop and my clothes and body can’t take it anymore.
So needless to say I have a shit load of work to do to firstly undo 2015 and then finish off the weight loss. That and win lotto to employ someone to follow me around and stop me eating all the crap.