Yep that’s me today.
Last night was bootcamp and our trainer had gone back to kindergarten and written all the exercises we were to do in chalk on the pavement at different ‘stations’.
The really funny thing was, some other joker had also drawn a dick and balls about 5 metres from where we were working out. We all tried to blame it on our trainer, his response; “I would have drawn it bigger”. Such a bloke. Wish I took a photo.
There were 4 stations all with various exercises and pyramid reps (increasing, and then decreasing)
- Kettle Bells
- Core
- Legs
- Cardio … he tried to disguise it as cardio, but it was still legs as it involved stairs. I'm onto him.
We were supposed to do 3 rounds of each, but like EVERY week once we get into it, he needs to pair it back a little as we aren’t gonna make it. So two rounds it was.
I don’t really have an issue with strength; it’s more endurance and anything that involves holding/ lifting my body weight. So the kettle bells were a breeze … TICK!
I have a back injury so have to modify some of the core exercises, this one still hurts a lot but I got it done … TICK!
Then we get to the legs.
Frog squats and donkey kicks I managed. We then had to leg raisers by stepping up onto a concrete structure with one leg and bringing the other leg through and lifting the knee. WITHOUT touching anything. FAIL! Hauling my massive arse up a 60cm step balancing on one leg, so not happening. Meanwhile the chick next to me is doing it with ease.
The only pleasure I got from this is she wasn’t listening and rather than splitting the reps half for each leg, she did the full amount on BOTH legs. Suffer! LOL
Straight after was some hop squats, not a lot of grace involved but I got it done.
Next we had to stand on one leg and sit on the concrete seat, then stand up on one leg all the while keeping the other in the air. HA HA HA HA NO CHANCE! I even said that out aloud while he was explaining it. Oops.
My arms were going everywhere, I wacked the lady beside me trying to keep my balance. Now the sitting down part I can do, gravity is on my side. The standing up only using one leg. Seriously, I have issues using two. This is going to take more work.
Then we get to the stairs. My legs are already shaking and we now need to do 100 toe taps. Then we need to run up and down a flight of stairs 30 times. I am hyperventilating by the 2nd one. Not a good start. The lady next to me is taking two steps at a time on the way up.
I am not sure what came over me, my legs were shaking, I could barely breath. But somewhere in my idiotic brain I decided the two at a time would be a good idea. Maybe I thought the suffering would end quicker, who knows.
I stubbed my toe.
And nearly landed on my face, only the hand rail saved me.
The last Cardio (crazy exercise) he called Gorilla. You have to jump like a gorilla up a flight of stairs, 10 times.
Here’s a photo to explain it. & Here’s what I looked like after the first one.
Then we had to do this all over again for a second time. I was the last to finish and our trainer was encouraging me on. For the last three I was really in the zone embracing the whole gorilla thing, as I was grunting so much trying to get myself up those stairs I even sounded like one.
The walk to work this morning was slower than usual.