Tips for busy Realtors!
Healthy Eating (I don't like the word DIET)
Tip #1 If you read my other blogs, you know that I am a huge fan of My Fitness Pal. It played a huge role in my weight loss success. At the time I began using it, I worked in the public school and had more free time to log. Now that I am a Realtor, I am finding that it is very difficult to log what I am eating so last Friday, I had an epiphany! I raise very early in the morning and I am not hungery until late morning and I have been packing a lunch everyday so I decided to take that bag an put everything I was going to eat during the day into it. Yougert, fruit, salad or sandwich, nuts, veggies etc.. I then went to computer and entered it into My Fitness Pal. I double checked the calories to make sure I can have a lite dinner. I am done! Works great! At the end of the day, I remove from my log, what I did not eat and add my dinner! It take a little work in the morning but it is worth it. Try it if you are using My Fitness Pal. I also entered what type of exercises I was going to do. If I did not do it I deleted it.
Tip #2 Beware of energy or meal replacement bars. Yes, they are loaded with things like fiber and protein but they are also loaded with calories! When you are limiting your caloric intake 200 calories add up and it is not very satisifying. I love the ones by Amway, Super Berry Nut but it has 190 calories in it. You can eat turkey slices, 6 for only 100 calories or a turkey and cheese sandwich which will have more protien and be more filling.
Tip #3 Schedule Exericis and treat it like a showing! It is much better if you join a class. You get to meet potential clients and are more motivated. I am a member of the YMCA and they offer lots of free classes. Schedule when you have the most energy! I do all my exercise in the morning because by 3pm my energy is very low.
TIP #4 Develop a Morning Routine. I did a lot of reading over the holiday and one key point for Realtors was they needed a morning routine. The one I am using is working great. The first thing I do when I get up in the morning is was my face with cool water and brush my teeth. Next I drink a bottle of water. In my reading, it stated that your body is dehydrated after sleep and water will wake you up better than coffee and tea. Next I spend ten minutes being silient, I might meditate, listen to some inspritational message or I think about one person in my life that that may be struggling and what I can do to make their day. I have several family members that are struggling with health issues, teachers of my children who are aging and need help, or a friend in need. Next, I exercise. I just really stretch and wake up my mussles. I have a great 10 minute routine if you are intersted. Now I am awake and I reach for my coffee and I spend 10 minutes reading. Not my emails, I pick something from my pile of reading I need to catch up on. Finally, anything that has kept popping up in my head during this process, I write down. For me, it is usually what I what to accomplish for the day so I make a to do list for the day. I know this may sound kinda corney but I have been doing since November and it has changed my life! It takes less than an hour and I find I am more productive during the day, happier and less stressed. If anyone is interested in the book, I would be happy to share with you.
Have a great and successful week everyone! Stay strong and let me know if I can do anyting to help you on your journey!