I began my journey in 2014 after seeing a picture of me taken on Father's Day 2014. Over the course of a year I lost 6 pounds LOL. In July of 2015 I found Dietbet.; This is life changing!
July 2015 I started my first Transformer at 194.6 pounds. I felt frumpy, lethargic and not very sexy.
May 26th 2015 I was down to 161.6 pounds and really thought I had everything under control. WRONG! By October 2015 I was back up to 192.4 pounds. EGADS how did I let that happen???
I started back with Dietbet with a promise to myself to get healthful, vital and create a sense of well-being that will keep me on track for LIFE! Since then I have made this my job. Spending the time and effort to chnge the way I think about food and the choices I make is primary. Also, chosing to move my buns every day in some way.
So I am looking forward to the completion of my current Dietbets and moving into Maintenance mode with Maintainers. I am starting my final 2 Kickstarters - Get Down With Dani's September Challenge (http://dbet.me/48GYbD) and Sarah Gilbert's Your Still Worth It (http://dbet.me/BODf7s) and This should take me to my goal weight and help me with the 3 Transformers I am in.
Thanks for sharing your journey with me.
Kindest regards!
ps. I feel strong, beautiful and.. yes a little sexy - not bad for 53 years young.