So today in one of me Facebook Dietbet support groups (Sarah Gilbert's 'You're Worth It Diet Bet"), someone asked what kind of exercises we do from home (I missed the not with video part of the question - LOL).
I prefer to work out at home because I would rather break up my workouts throughout the day instead of drive time and have more active time. Over the past 15 years I have accumulated a LOT of fitness dvd's, wii Fit, stepper (not in picture since I can no longer due it due to degenerative arthritis in my knee that is aggravated by it), a VT-20 Whole Body Vibration Machine, weights/hand weights, etc. The funny thing is for most of those years I would use them for a couple months and then there (and there and there) they would sit.
I guess the difference now is that I USE the tools I have. I push myself to do just a little more every week as far as repetitions or weight or crazy arms with weights while I do my walking DVD's (some are Leslie Sansone’s movements, but I definitely add on MORE.
I try to vary my workouts so my body doesn't get used to anything. My goal has been to work out 2 to 3 times a day with an occasional rest day. And it is working for me.
My other tool is myfitnesspal.com (I know I talk about it all the time, but it is an essential tool in my routine that works for me).
The difference now it that I am using these tools. And now with my Maintenance about to start I am revamping my tools. My wii Fit leg strap broke probably 2 years ago, and since I have so many other tools at my disposal, I always forget to order one (yes I have Amazon Prime and it ships free - if I order it). So today I went on Amazon and while I was searching for it I ran across wii Fit Zumba! Yes I ordered that too. So now I have more new (and old) tools coming to shake things up a bit.
My promise to everyone is that I am committing to continue to USE my tools and maintain this weight for the next year and beyond.
I might add that when we go on vacation I do my crazy walking with hand weights - and I get a LOT of support from people who see me and say "What a great idea - working your upper and lower together.”
Anyway - thanks for your continued support and I wish you all a healthful and fun day!