I intentionally spent a lot of time away from my computer the past few days, so I haven't been posting/tracking my food as closely.
But, I'm finishing up day #6 of Whole30 and feeling great, but tired, which apparently is normal. I've lost the holiday bloating and cravings are minimal - and so is hunger! I remember that being one of my favorite things about Whole30 the first time I did it in 2014. Bloating, hunger, and cravings nearly completely disappear.
I also met my goal of going to the HIIT gym four times last week. I'll go at least 4 times next week as well. This week was a BIG leg week, so by Thursday my legs were jelly. But I had a benchmark 56 jump squats in a minute, which I was pretty proud of!
Spent awhile yesterday doing meal prep for the week: I made my favorite meat sauce (adapted from SkinnyTaste, with some added veggies), roasted a bunch of sweet potatoes, made a whole chicken in my new InstaPot, and also made my first ever Bone Broth, which turned out great. I'm planning to drink about 5 oz per day for digestive health, and use the rest to make a spiralized carrot chicken "noodle" soup later in the week.
I slept in this morning and had a 3 hour nap this afternoon, and I'm still tired! I'm seeing a lot on Instagram that fellow Whole30 folks are feeling the same. So I'm taking care of myself this weekend and resting up for the week, which will certainly be busy!