Day # 9 of Whole30 is complete! It's getting easier and easier. Not kidding, I keep thinking I may continue in to Febuary because I feel so good. The first time I did Whole30 I'm pretty sure I was thinking about donuts nonstop on day 9.
I'm sleeping SO well, and I'm hoping energy levels are up soon. I've noticed less bloating and significantly less hunger, but I don't think much in the way of physical results (yet!)
This is week #2 of trying to get in 4 60 minute HIIT workouts at my gym in a week. I'm actually on track to make it to 5 this week, body is feeling great and I'm much less sore than I was last week.
3 scrambled eggs, 3 Applegate Naturals Breakfast Sausage, Chicken & Sage (just discovered these in the freezer section. They are SO. GOOD.)
Sweet potatoes and homemade meat sauce (this week I added in extra veggies - included carrots, celery, onion, red peppers, and zuchinni)
Spiralized carrot chicken "noodle" soup (made with my own bone broth! Turned out great)
Green smoothie (spinach, probiotic coconut water, clementines, apples, frozen rasperries and blackberries)
60 minute HIIT (included series of one minute runs at incline, a bunch of mountain climbers, burpees, TRX triceps and biceps, and sit ups)