Another great weigh in to offset the bad news. Down another pound.. BUT Finally after months of pain and thinking I just had some tendonitis in the knee I got to the truth. via an MRI.
Apparently have a meniscus tear and a burst cyst. According to the first diagnosis of tendonitis I was told it was ok to keep up with the same amount of exercise I was used to. Which was a mile plus walk min.. every day with My pup.
Haven't seen the doc that specializes in such but apparently I should have been resting the knee instead of working in. DARN it. walking was such a good way to burn off calories.
But I am doing some googling for more upper body workouts. Plus I can swim without using leg power. that should burn up the same if not more calories. Plus its warmer in the pool than outside right now. There is a silver linning in almost everything.
cheers and keep being losers
Flash and Billy