Wow, what a long day yesterday was. I'd first like to thank the folks that work at dietbet for hanging in with Me yesterday. Apparently a photo I had taken wasn't clear enough. I didn't have anyone around so I had used the reflection in the mirror shot.
I was notified via email that I would need to resumit the photo.. WOW.. I was already at work and no scales or mirrors in sight.. Nor a pair of shorts!
I decided rather than lose by technicality to jump in the car and run home. I was afterall in 3 games! My boss said I could work through lunch to make up time. Driving was slow as it had rained on top of snow.. making ice. Lovely
What a suprise My wife was still home. Yipppee she could take My photo. I jumped into shorts and onto the scale.. Got a photo and off it went to all three games. They were even approved in just a few minutes. So I headed back to work.. Wow I had met my weight goat for 3 games.. yippee for Me.
Well then trouble started.. apparently somehow one of the games registered the weight as a Token weigh in.. After many emails.. sending photos and copys of texts on the DB app we got it straightened out.
You see Token weighins don't count as final weigh ins! Not sure how it happened as I rarely use them but My advice is to be VERY careful when sending in final weight in photos. Follow all the rules. If you have to use the reflection in the mirror shot..be sure its clear and your face isn't covered by the phone.
Good Luck everyone keep it up!
Flash and Billy pup