I'm two pounds down. I'm ONLY two pounds down. That's how it feels . . . defeating & discouraging. I'm in this for the health, and I do feel better, but my body refuses to let go of the pounds I hate.  I feel like I've been working SO hard . . . making so many dietary sacrifices (I. want. CHEESE!)!  I'm keeping my calories to 1,500ish and have started to exercise 5-6 days a week (nothing major, but it's better than the nothing I was doing before). I've started to see all the signals that prompt me to eat, how I often snack instead of eating a full meal, and also how out of control my portion sizes were. I haven't had to change much about the kinds of foods I was eating, but have been shocked by how many calories are in some of the foods I thought were good choices (such as quinoa). I also discovered that I wasn't eating enough protein. Correcting all of those bad habits & focusing on increasing my exercising are my goals for the next two weeks. I'm praying that I'll be able to stay motivated and that I'll start seeing some real results!