P.s. OCTOBER 8th LUNAR ECLIPSE just before SUNRISE!!! for all of ya'll waking up at 4am to get in a workout, go for a run! The moon will be celestial RED.
and if you miss that! The INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION is highly visible about 7:45pm as it ZIPS by!
I didn't post Monday my ritual, because I forgot. But I worked out the majority of the exercises and was in the beginning of round three when I felt a tendon get pulled too tightly and searing in pain, I stopped.
It was fine. I progressed to play two hockey games monday night outdoors beneath the stars and the blaring court lights. Each game I was recognized for playing awesome. :) haha. and I scored a goal in each, and had about 3 assists in each! woohoo team player. Hockey is such a great way to have fun and get in shape...my abs were screaming at me afterwards!!!
This weekend I didn't work out at all and lost weight...weird huh? I also didn't eat very much, and I didn't drink as much water as I should have so again, its probably a loss of water weight meaning I soon will jump back up to 140lbs and I won't lose 4% in 4 weeks because that's insane and probably impossible.
Today: I woke up at 7:20am to our littlest kitty zooey's biting and teasing, meowing and moaning, jumping on me and jumping off me....10 minutes before my boyfriend's alarm arouses him for work, and long before I typically rise. We each had about 5 hours of sleep last night, didn't get back from hockey until 1am.
I tried to go back to sleep but the itchy chin and throat, the itchy nose, the watering and burning eyes, the sneezes and wheezes and coughs made me get up to frantically look for my inhaler. Morning allergies and Zooey. I felt wiped. The advantage of not now having to get showered and prepared for work, I climbed back in bed intent on reading a book until I fully woke up. I fully woke up 4 hours later at 11:40....not what I intended. Don't even remember falling back asleep. dreamed terrible nightmares.
Feeling like my whole day was already wasted: which is always how I feel if I wake up anywhere close to noon....I was determined to get my day started which meant log on immediately to dietbet and do a workout. Two hours later and I'm still doing it...well I answered a phone call, showered, and planned my day also...So, yeah TIME IS JUST ESCAPING FROM ME TODAY :(
Good news: I got a call from a job I applied to this morning and an email from another one: asking for an interview. woohoo. at least I'm on round two!
Weight: 137.8 Start: 140.2
%fat: 18 22
Prepare meals-freezer meals.
Plan dinner tonight.
Make healthy powerballs (YUM, I made chocolate chip ones over the weekend definitely a dessert substitute: 1/2cup cashews, 1/2 cup almonds pulsed, with 8 dates (mejool). Add pumpkin seeds, chocolate chips and 1tsp water. And like magic it turns into a sort of dough/paste. Not sticky. rolled into balls and rolled each ball into organic cocoa powder). I made them bite sized, which yielded about 16 to 18.