I was a pretty bad girl since Thursday. I felt a bit depressed with the weight of life (and lack of work) bearing down on me.
On thursday I decided on Saturday we were going to have pizza. I made more powerballs, made the meals for consumption purposes all week. Which enables me to get excited about food and not get bored. (Last time I went shopping I got very small cuts of meat: 4oz or less, and I'll do one of those with a giant salad or soup for dinners). Which is satisfying in so many ways.
What makes me a bad girl is that I drank coffee again and now I cannot stop. Which puts me back in the same boat, the one where I chose coffee everytime rather than water....ugh. which makes me feel sick, and tired, and makes my allergies trigger worse. Today, I am back to water.
There was a time when working out was fun for me. No, I mean I really liked it. I liked the burn. I liked pushing myself past places I failed previously. I liked competing against others, and liked looking good naked.
I think my priorities have shifted. Still want to look good, sure, but I just don't feel the joy in the hard work anymore....will I ever get that back?
Bad things I ate since Friday morning: Chocolate fudge, Bread-lots of bread, Coffee, (i'm not including the pizza, because I planned for that cheat), Lots of dark chocolate, sugar in my coffee, 1 can of soda! ugh...and it tasted gross.
I haven't truly worked out since wednesday morning last week. Except I played hockey thursday which totally counts. But, I didn't work out, save a few crunches I did before bed on saturday...
Today's Stats:
Weight: 137.6 Start: 140.2
%fat: 18 22
(I am hoping the %fat indicator on my scale is working, it would suggest that my fat content is going down, despite not seeing much a drop on the scale).
Nail my Interview today
Drink 8 glasses from my 12oz water bottle
Play well in my hockey game
Dishes and Laundry
Apply to two internships I have my sights on