This is a image of the amount of fat I have burned in approximently two days 1750-ich calories defiecit is 250 grams of fattissue. This (the butterpackage) is what that looks like. Sometimes it´s great to get a visual of what actrually happens. For me to have a calorydeficit of 1000 cals when I´m not on a biking holliday is alomst impossible for more than one day. It´s just too little food for me to sustain myself on to only eat around 1000 cals. So I´m taking this oppertunity and still I eat around 2000-2500 cals so I get to eat some choklate and icecream. :-) I feel full and satisfied wich is one of the most important thing for me to make it in the long run.
When I get back home the normal stress of life makes it so that I can´t work out this hard. That only works if I´m on holliday with nothing to do but train, eat, sleep, read and enjoy the company of my sambo. Today I went to my favorit mountain. I call it my mountain because I have visiited it many times and it always give me a great workout. I´ve grown attached to it. The pic in the title is from todays ride wich became 30 km long.
Still weigh around 1 kg too much for winning this period so if nothing very special happens I will loose but anyway I know I´m loosing fat too so still happy!