Well, I am definitely not going to lose any weight this week.
I thought I was supposed to be carbo loading for five days, but it looks like three days will be sufficient. That means tomorrow will be my last day of diet eating until Monday.
With the recommended 4 grams of carbs per pound of body weight, I am looking at 560 grams of carbs in the three days before the race. Lots of carbs also means lots of calories. Fortunately, I'll burn a lot of that off on Sunday. The final three weeks are going to be tough, though! I am going to have to be serious about losing two pounds a week after my race. That's not going to be easy.
Some good food choices I made today:
Quinoa (with buffalo sauce)
Orange juice
Some not good things I ate today:
Little Caesar's pepperoni pizza
Pecan pie muffin