As I shared before, I've gained over 30 pounds in last 18 months and DON'T love the body I'm sporting now. Getting dressed is a performance of "Ugghs" and personal beratement as one pair of pants after another is disgarded for not fitting.
As a parent, if you ever think your actions and words go unnoticed by your kids, think again.
My teenage girls are are always around and they tell me I'm beautiful and I'm fine just how I am, tight pants and all. I realize that in order to boost them up I've got to refrain from shooting myself down. They see it. They hear it. And then they'll do it to themselves.
And so... I take more caution now in the thoughts I think and the words I use. Because one leads to the other. And my girls are watching. It's my job to protect them and in this case it's protecting them from thinking they could ever be "less than" anything they really are.
But that goes for me too. And for you. Whatever we think about is what we'll become. I'm choosing to think of myself as a clean eater and an athlete who is taking steps every day to get back to a healthy me.
Until I'm there, I'm focusing on where I'm going, not where I am. Anyone can be in a bad a place...a tough situation...a tight pair of jeans, but it's how you approach it that will determine what happens from there.
Go get em!