Coming off a 3 day global meeting with my work collegues, it dawned on me this morning why I'd gotten so damned chubby..... I never checked the price tags of the food I ate! And by price tag I mean caloric value, energy in. If we were to shop for clothes or jewelry or anything simply based on what we like without checking the price, the bill would be astronomical.
Since last week, My Fitness Pal has helped keep tabs on my calorie intake. WOW! First day was a wakeup call... I really eat more than I should!
At the meetings this week, I chose to drink water only during the day along with light, balanced meals at breakfast and lunch and kept my trusty Emerald Almonds at my seat. Passed on all the cookies and pop served during the meetings and enjoyed some cocktails and a delicious 6 oz petite filet with asparagus at night. Dessert (yes I had dessert) was passion fruit sorbet...the freshest, most incredible taste in my mouth. Didn't even want a bite of the brownie staring at me from across the table. Plus, I buckled down for crack-of-dawn workouts each day.
Flashback to last years meeting....creamy yummy dinners, lunch portions the same as the guys, cookies from concierge lounge before bed, too much alcohol, sleeping in instead of working out. That's a big tab.
Darren Hardy talks about the "Small Seemingly Insignificant Choices" we make every day. Compounded over time, these choices add up to either a huge, dimply waistline and ass or a trim, fit body that moves with ease.
Checking the price tag helps us stay accountable to the plan we have ahead of us. You can do this and so can I.