I am soooooo tired starting off every New Year at least 5 to 10 lbs heavier. I work hard all year to shed unwanted weight and then every summer, like clockwork, gain weight when I go on various road trips. I'm a teacher so I have 2 1/2 months off during the summer. I am always on the go somewhere. It then takes me almost until Halloween to lose it. Then I work hard up until Thanksgiving to drop a few more pounds.
During December, I usually take a month long break from Diet Betting because it's hard to stay focused with all the holiday festivities that are going on. As I begin to carbo load, okay, pig out on holiday goodies, I find myself going to the gym less and less. By the time January rolls around, I feel like one big jelly roll! I can barely fit into my 4/6 jeans. Since dropping 80 lbs the past two years with the help of Diet Bet, I've gotten rid of my size 18/20's and have bought an entire new wardrobe. I REFUSE to buy bigger sizes.
I've decided it's time NOW to break the roller coaster ride that I've been on. Being focused and committed for 9 months a year is simply NOT good enough anymore. My body deserves to be fed healthy, nutritious food all year long.
To help keep my "head in the weight loss game" and stay focused, I've decided that I will take the ULTIMATE HOLIDAY CHALLENGE!!! I will continue to Diet Bet during the hardest month of the year - DECEMBER! I will join 3 new Diet Bets which start around Dec. 1 and will also be hosting my own game as well. I've decided that it's time to
Be LEAN For 2015
It will feel great to get a jump start on weight loss for the New Year. Sometime it takes me until Spring Break to shed all the weight I put on during the holidays. If it wasn't for Diet Bet, I probably would have gained back all of my weight and more. The structure of Diet Bet holds me accountable and most people can stay focused for only a month. I like the fresh start that I get every month as well.
I'd like to invite my Diet Bet pals to also join me in taking the
Ultimate Holiday Challenge and
Be LEAN For 2015
New Diet Bet Starts on Dec. 1 and ends right before New Year's Eve.