How I ended up with knees and elbows like a toddler. Scratched and grazed that is, not soft and smooth.
It’s 2015 and after an appalling 2014 in regards to health and weight loss I am getting back on track. I’ve almost lost the weight I put back on in 2014 letting excuses of long working hours and 3-4 hours a day driving get in the way.
So to help with the motivation I decided to start a new boot camp in Caroline Springs and go twice a week, as I thought that would be sustainable. Also thought anything more would probably kill me. This was a fair assumption as it turns out.
I started last Saturday @ 8am in the rain, and by the end I was red, wet, sweaty, and COVERED in grass from rolling around like a beached whale unable to hold myself up the whole time. :-)
The next morning it was the thunderbirds walk to the bathroom, EVERYTHING hurt and nothing felt coordinated as I tried to put one foot in front of the other. Those last 4 inches before my backside connected with the toilet seat …. PAIN!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
By Wednesday I was finally able to walk normally again. YAY … Just in time for the next session.
Wednesday was a core and boxing session. Excellent I thought, no running. Oh how wrong I was.
Lots of running up and down stairs, being pulled back with a resistance band while trying to run up those stairs by a bloke who’s biceps are the same size as my thighs. Except his are pure muscle and don’t have any dimples. If you’ve seen the size of my thighs you’ll know this bloke is built.
Then he gets to the core part. YAY I think to myself, no more running I can finally breathe again. Yes I’m deluded, must have been the lack of oxygen, as by this point I’m almost hyperventilating. Meanwhile the instructor is still laughing and cracking jokes. Oh to be that fit.
He then tells us we are going to do push-ups on the stairs.
I’m thinking, o.k. I can do that, and before I can lean forward …
He then adds that the push-ups will be done facing DOWN the stairs …. Huh?? I thought. This dude is joking clearly no one is meant to do push-ups like that.
He then adds that once you have done two push-ups you need to go into plank position and go backwards UP the stairs and repeat until you get to the top.
By this point I’m thinking, you can’t be serious, this isn’t a real thing. I think a small laugh/scoff translating to “yeah right” may have escaped my mouth before I realised what was happening.
Turns out he wasn’t joking.
So I get into position for the first push-up and with all the blood rushing to my head from being upside down I was glad I hadn’t eaten dinner yet or I may have fed the ducks in the lake at that point.
I get through the first step and then try to back up to the next one. Leg gives out and one knee smashed into the concrete. While doing the next one (yeah only on the second step, I know I suck) I can no longer hold myself up with my arms and they give way. One elbow smashed in to the concrete step. By the third I was dragging myself against gravity on my elbows and knees up each step, grunting and groaning as I went. Scratching and grazing each knee and elbow on the way.
Upon getting to the top we have to do the same thing on the way back down. I’m ready to pass out by this point, this bloke should run torture camps. Imagine a very lumpy, very large snake sliding down the stairs and you will get a picture of me on the way down. After each “push-up”, and it no longer resembled a push-up for me by this stage, I just slid to the next step. You see I had gravity on my side then, and all the sweat that had dripped off my nose on the way up was like a water slide on the way down.
I’ve posted a pic from net (don't worry it's not of me) so you can understand what I went through.
Then some more boxing, more core torture, finishing up with more running.
It hurts to type today.