mostly because i ate like crap
The morning started great. Had a home made smothie for breakfast Then we went to my moms house for a short visit. Thats where I discovered my younger brother had two giant cases of chips. He works for a vending company and I guess the chips passed their fresh by date so he bught each case of chips for 25 cents. Seriously. 25 cents for 64 bags of chips. He bought 2 cases. So of course I had a bag during my visit. So then we stop at walmart and I end up buying some beef jerky. Beef jerky that did not even make it home. Hubby and I ate the whole bag on the way home.
It was about 2:30 when we got home and since we hadn't had lunch (officially) we decided to zap some individual sized banquet ziti meals. I had mine with the bell peppers i made yesterday.
So we leave again because i need a new pair of walking shoes. We hit up the outlet by the border and I nearly cave and buy some fresh TJ style churros. But I didn't. After I find some shoes, we hit up walmart again because hubby needed shoelaces and OMG triple cheeseburger and fresh fries were calling my name. I tried to talk the hubby into cheating. He was stringer than me and said no.
So i get home and not even home a minute before i inhale a banana. It's dinner time and I just want to go to bed because i feel guilty about the day. I am hoping that tomorrow will be better but it wont because hubby wants chorizo and eggs for breakfast.