A 2% loss in the water surrounding our cells can result in a 20 per cent drop in energy levels. That's how important water is for us. We need around half a cup of water for every 100 calories we burn to stay energized.
Water is the most vital requirement for human life. While our bodies can survive without food for around three weeks, without water we can only live for three days.
Drink Water Every Two Hours
Set a glass of water next to your bed so before your feet hit the floor you can drink at least 8 oz to kick in your metabolism. Then drink again in two hours. Spacing out your water consumption throughout the day will ensure that your body is replenished and gets rid of excess water weight. If you only consume water when you are thirsty then your body will be depleted of necessary fluids and retain the water weight.
Opt For Green Iced Tea or add zero calorie flavoring to your water.
Green tea is known to be rich in its antioxidants and flavonoids which can boost your metabolism while you get your water intake. For an easy summertime drink, prepare hot tea with boiled water as usual and then pour the hot tea water over a glass of ice. Refrain from adding any sweeteners to your iced tea as it can interfere with your overall health and weight loss goal.
So how much should you drink?
The minimum figures for the body's daily water loss are 500ml through urine and 700ml through breathing and sweating. Doctors advise that to be on the safe side we should drink at least 1.2 litres of liquids (2.5 pints).
It depends on your size and weight, and also on your activity level and where you live. In general, you should try to drink between 1/2 an ounce and an ounce of water for each pound you weigh, every day. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, that would be 75 to 150 ounces of water a day. If you’re living in a hot climate and exercising a lot, you’d be on the higher end of that range; if you’re in a cooler climate and mostly sedentary, you’d need less.
Hope this helps... Its not ony your diet that you need to pay close attention to, you need to enforce your water consumption rule.
Another quick way to check: look in the bowl after you’ve gone to the bathroom. If your urine is clear or very light yellow and has little odor, you’re well hydrated. The darker and more aromatic your urine, the more dehydrated you are.
Get a nice waterbottle that you can carry around with you. Get into the habit of setting a glass on your nightstand. Put your watterbottle next to your monitor at work. Set an alarm on your phone to remind yourself to drink little bits every two hours. Drinking your daily recommendation in one setting is not healthy. You can actually die from overconsumption of water. Be sure to like this blog if you got something out of it.