To swing the odds in your favor so that you have the greatest chance of success in losing weight, you are going to have to start by pulling various behavioral and psychological triggers that have been scientifically proven to be the most powerful influences on weight.
Starting today implement these 5 simple steps toward success:
- Eliminate sugary beverages. A LOT of the sugar we consume come from sodas, juice, "vitamin" waters, alcohol, and more. Getting these out of your diet will automatically reduce your carb intake. This change alone, may lead to weight loss and improved health for you.
Don’t eat after 7 p.m. You DO NOT want a surge of blood sugar and insulin right before you go to bed. This turns off fat-burning. So stop eating a few hours before bed (you can adjust this time if you go to sleep later, work split shifts, etc.) Drink a glass of water right before bed to boost your metabolism and a glass once you wake up.
Increase sleep. Make sure you get between 7–9 hours of sleep every day you are on a program. Sleep is a GREAT way to lose weight!
Go to sleep at the same time every night. Your body and brain love routine. They thrive on it. If you make it a point to go to bed at the same time every night, you’ll be rewarded with sounder, more rejuvenating sleep.
Bulletproof your environment. You will do this by cleaning all of the toxic foods out of your kitchen.