I went through a really bad breakup a while ago and I also eat when I am alone, board, depressed... ok maybe I just like to eat. Anyways I fixed it by signing up for a marathon. Yes I know crazy, right?! Well I am a runner so a half marathon just didn't seem far enough so I went for the full but it is not about the distance it is about the time. Signing up gives you a money commitment which caused me to want to make it to the finish line which caused me to train. Well those hours I use to spend eating I spent running instead. I listened to podcasts, books on tape, lots and lots of music and thought about what made me me. Little did I know that the running was not only allowing me to lose weight but it was also giving me the alone time I needed to build the strength and confidence to stand on my own. At the end of 26.2miles I found complete exhaustion, aches and pains I never knew could exist, blisters the size of mountains, and myself, strong and alone... no more guy in my head :)
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