I'm finally slowly starting to get back on track, and a new and last quarter in Cal Poly Pomona started. I'm currently taking four classes: virology, marine biology, stem cell biology, and biochemistry. I still haven't met my professor for virology, so I'm actually pretty excited to see what virology is all about tomorrow. But besides my education, I've definitely noticed that my body got weaker with my cold. I don't know if it's because I still have a cough that makes it so hard to exercise, or if one week of no movement caused my muscles to get weaker. Regardless, it's a new month, which calls for a new challenge. My new goal for this month is to break that 130 pound mark, and to finally get into the 120's. Can you believe that I'm getting close to 130 already? I remember when I was almost 150, and I felt devastated with how I looked physically, and how I felt emotionally and physiologically. There are still some improvements I need to make: time management. I am extremely terrible at time management. Originally, I was planning to workout at around 8:00 PM and finish everything before 10:00 PM. I started working out at 11:30 PM and finished everything by 1:15 AM, which is why I am writing this blog at such a late time than originally planned. Time management is definitely something that I need to set my mind on. Time management is just like setting my goal on losing weight. You make a goal, and you have to push yourself to take action. It's that taking action part that's the hardest for me. I will constantly tell myself to go do something that I need to do, but it takes an extra effort to get up and do the things that I have to do. This is the same with working out. A majority of the time, people are sitting down on their computers or smart phones. They don't spend that much time on outdoor activities, sports, hiking, or any physically demanding activity. Everything is moving towards the digital era, and it's getting harder to take some time away from our technologies. Everything needs to be done in moderation. Too much of anything whether it be good or bad, is never good. When we have a certain hobby, getting too obsessed in that hobby is never good. For example, I like to grow plants. But once I buy too many of them and become too obsessed in them, it becomes a chore rather than a hobby. It goes the same with food. Food should be something that gives us nutrition, and helps us to benefit our health. Once we become too obsessed with eating delicious foods, we gain weight, our health deteriorates, and it becomes a bad thing. This topic leads me to my current obsession: korean dramas and korean reality shows. Once I start watching them, it becomes extremely hard to stop. I spent too much time watching this one korean reality show, that my workout schedule got delayed. I can definitely improve on learning to stop when I need to.
35 min of Blogilates from the April calendar
30 min of Upper Fix
Breakfast - Brown rice with turkey bacon
Lunch - Brown rice with turkey bacon
Dinner - Chocolate shakeology with 8 oz water and 1 banana
How I felt:
I actually felt so much better drinking my shakeology at the end of the day. I didn't feel that way before, but I think I'll try this method for a few weeks. I haven't had any time to prepare for my meals, which was why I had only one type of food for my two main meals. I'm planning to wake up tomorrow morning and make a nice breakfast and lunch with some Ezekiel bread and some sweet potatoes. We'll see how it goes. I really need to eat snacks in between to keep myself from craving, but again, I need to work on preparation and time management. The good thing was that I didn't crave anything, and I didn't feel as hungry as I thought I would've without eating snacks. Today's workout was very difficult because I've been following the 21 day fix workout schedule only with no blogilates for the past few days. But now that I'm determined to add blogilates, things will get a bit more challenging. Today's blogilates workout was emphasized on the butt, and there's a 30 day sleek arms challenge along with the calendar. So I hope I can finish through the entire calendar, and get nice toned arms! For those of you who are interested in joining me on the 30 day sleek arms challenge, I'll post the calendar below so we can both follow along. First few days should be easy, but they do get progressively harder. Let's work hard for those nice, sleek arms! ;)