Remember when I explained how I was going to wake up early, plan ahead, prepare my meals ahead of time, and all that talk about time management. Well, I guess I still wasn't ready enough. First week of school is always the toughest because you need to spend time adjusting to your new schedule, and you're always running here and there on campus talking to financial advisors, academic advisors, and all sorts of advisors. I just had no self control today, and I know I could've done better. I had some thai food after class, and there was this last day dress sale at our university quad that I couldn't miss. Mistakes are how we learn, and I learned that there are just those days when you really can't get a hold of your indulges. Despite my lack of self control, I still did my workouts, and started earlier than yesterday. I also feel proud of myself for opting for that brown rice rather than white rice that goes with the panang curry. I also opted for tofu instead of any other meat. Chicken is ok, but I'm never sure whether they use the thigh or the breast. For the shopping splurge, I can say that it'll help me stay motivated to work harder. I purposefully purchased a size small rather than a size medium, so I could motivate myself to stay consistent on my workout regimen. My workout routine for today was very tough, but I'm glad I pushed through and finished everything.
Today's post is mostly on pushing to your limits. I finished my Lower Fix, and started my Blogilates workout calendar for April. As usual, I went on youtube, searched Cassey's workout videos one by one as I went through the checklist. I reached her "Whoa Whoa Workout" video, and the first exercise move was really tough. I don't know if I was able to do them before my flu, but I do know that I can't do them very well right now. I went through about 3 reps, and just had to pause because my wrists were hurting, my arms were shaking, and my butt muscles were dying. I paused for a few seconds, got back up, started again, paused again, and kept repeating this. Towards the end of that first move, I had a breakdown moment where I just curled up into a ball and wanted to cry because I felt so embarrassed about how I couldn't do a simple move. All these negative thoughts were going through my head, and I started self-criticizing, and that's when I caught myself. Negative thoughts aren't going to get me anywhere. I can be the best judge for myself, but if I'm too criticizing, whether it be to myself or to anybody else, there will never be improvement. Encouragement is the only way you can succeed. So I changed my mindset and changed my "why can't you do this?" to "you can do this". It's ok to feel discouraged here and there, but don't make it consume you. Make that discouragement into a motivational drive that will help you to move forward. Don't let it bring you down.
30 min of Lower Fix
46 min of Blogilates (lots of cardio today!)
Breakfast - Brown rice with turkey bacon
Lunch - Brown rice with turkey bacon
Dinner - Panang Curry with tofu and brown rice
Snack - Dried mangos and 1 orange
How I felt:
To be 100% truthful, that panang curry made me extremely tired. I went straight to sleep right after I got home. This is a really good indicator of whether the food you ate was good for you or not. If you're feeling sluggish and tired, check your diet and see if it really was healthy or not. Curry in itself is ok, but restaurants tend to put in lots of fatty condensed coconut milk, which is high in sugar and fat. When making your own curry, add in that low fat coconut milk instead. It's so much healthier, and you won't feel as sluggish. That being said, I REALLY need to change my meal plan. Turkey bacon is starting to look gross, and I don't think the kind I'm eating is necessarily that healthy. It states on the package that they're using turkey thigh rather than breast meat. So I might opt for something I know is healthy for sure. For my workout, I realized that late night exercise is not good. I'm already tired from the exercise, but to add on top of that, it's also very late. I'm going to make it my goal to become a morning person. Finishing everything in the morning, and resting at night is probably psychologically healthier, and physically healthier.
When do you workout? Are you a night person, or a day person?
And what do you think about thai food? Is it a yay or a nay for you? :)