"By failing to prepare, you're preparing to fail." Ben Franklin
Dear Team Lacey ,
We're in Week 1 and I've laid out a calendar for you. I'd like all of you to print it out and post it in a place you will see every day, ok? Anyone can want a great body but it's only those who work for it that will get it.
For the next 4 Weeks I want you to take it one day at a time. How are you going to maximize the next 27 days. A goal is a dream with an expiration date.
1. PERSONALLY: How are you going to be a before person personally with your family, friends, colleagues, self? Who's on your team? Who supports you in this challenge and who doesn't? When we're trying to break patterns in our lives it's crucial we surround ourselves with people that will support our vision. When you have people that don't support you in your inner circle it makes it nearly impossible to reach next level goals. HOW ARE YOU GOING TO BE YOUR BEST TODAY/THIS WEEK/THE MONTH/YOUR LIFE, FOR YOU AND NO ONE ELSE
2. PROFESSIONALLY: We are at our jobs more than we are with our family and friends? Do you like your job? What could you do to make it better? Stress from work creates cortisol, cortisol is a hormone that equates to fat... The less stress in your life the better. You need to figure out how to make your professional life work for your health or it will be impossible to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
NOW WE CAN GET TO PHYSICAL... FACT: If your personal & professional life are not in order it is 99.9% you will not create lasting fitness change. Work through 1 & 2 if you are looking to lose weight long past this challenge. You can just focus on 3 but anyone can help you lose weight... I'm helping you change your life from the inside out. It is impossible to change the external until the internal is workings are sorted. If you think having a better body is going to solve all of your problems you need to reevaluate why you signed up for my challenge.
3. PHYSICALLY: How many times per week have you worked-out before this challenge? That's your starting point?
Look at the calendar. I recommend you do at least TWO HIIT Workouts per Week, those will build strength.
If you'd like to workout with me here are some of my online workouts, don't judge me... Some of these were shot many years ago. hahahahah!
My APP 15min Workouts
I recommend you do one of the cardio move workouts paired with an AB workout for best results.
Download to your phones. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/extreme-bootcamp!-lacey-stone/id573491573?mt=8
Be Fit Workouts:
1. 25mins MAX Cardio Challenge Workout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAo_JpDNQY8
2. 25mins SHRED WORKOUT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=DmyU1JhsfAw
3. 25mins Ultimate Cardio Burn Workout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiwGEVwWf0A
4 Newbie Workouts: https://blog.fitbit.com/lacey-stones-exclusive-fitbit-flex-workout-1/
4 Experienced Workouts: https://blog.fitbit.com/lacey-stones-exclusive-fitbit-charge-hr-workout-1/
Youtube Channel Workouts
Then I recommend that you 3-4 days of cardio.
Different Types of Cardio include: Spin (my favorite), Jogging/Running/Speed Walking, Swimming, Hiking, Pilates, Dance, Kickboxing... Any sort of movement that will get your heart rate up.
I recommend you do cardio for 20mins-1hour max.
PLEASE NOTE CARDIO to STRENGTH: You should never do two strength days in a row, there should always be a cardio or rest day in between.
1-2 rest days from workouts & 8hours of sleep
Healthy Eating is crucial, you are what you eat (More Details & Recipes coming later this week). Food is 75%-80% of your success, if you kick-a** at the gym and then eat cupcakes you will see ZERO results and create a very negative fitness cycle.
Clean, Non-Processed, Organic, Dairy Free, Gluten Free, NO ALCOHOL or SODA for 4 WEEKS (That in itself will create drastic weight-loss)
FOLLOW THE #TeamLacey FITNESS PLAN ABOVE and you're guaranteed results! Add the Food & No Alcohol component to the Fitness regiment and see MASSIVE CHANGE. Add the Personal and Professional Focus to the Fitness and Food/No Alcohol component... Change your life forever creating lasting success long beyond your body.