Big party coming up. Whether it's the amazing wedding of your sister or your boss's 50th birthday, you will need to attend this party and there will be snacks. Probably loads. Ones you like. Maybe even a few of your absolute favorites. It's gonna suck, because either you're gonna suck at not eating all those high calorie temptations, or the party will suck because you succeed in not eating any, and feeling cranky about it. Right? WRONG! This party is gonna rule, you're gonna be awesome and all happy and pretty, and this is how you'll do it.
Or at least, this is how I manage partying without being the party pooper who's cranky because of eating too little or too much:
I avoid alcoholic drinks, fizzy beverages and juices, and stick to my water. At large gatherings there's always some lemon to flavour your water with. Sometimes, if it's a really long party (wedding weekends, family feasts) I allow myself my favorite drink (apple juice or fresh orange juice) once. It's a party after all.
Everyone has that one snack that makes their mouth water. One of mine is apple pie. I love freshly baked apple pie (still warm), and always make one for my birthday, hoping there'll be an extra slice left over. So at the party, check what you like most, what you really want, and then just take it. You have to eat sometime, so why not eat the one thing you really love? Then it's loads easier to say no to stuff you don't really fancy anyway.
If you're lucky, the host has some heathy habits of his/her own and serves out some healthy, low calorie snacks, like cucumbers and carrots and cherry tomatos. You can eat lots of those before you need to stop. It'll fill your stomach and again, make it easier to say no to the unhealthy crap that comes along. In my case, cheese is my downfall, so I avoid it as much as possible.
It's weird, but most skinny people actually eat less. :)
So it can help to watch some people whose figure you admire and look at how much they're actually eating. I admit, there are some lucky bastards who can eat whatever they want without gaining an ounce of fat, but most people skinnier than you, probably have better habits than you. Sorry!
If there's a possibility to move around, do so. Don't just sit there all party long! If there's music, dance, even if you're the only one. No music? No problem! Walk around the party, chat, mingle and all the while, shedding just a bit of fat with every step you take. (Does anyone else hear The Police in their head now?)