I managed to keep my weight steady for 1 ½ years but last February, I started to put weight back on. I kept telling myself that it would go back down because I had a sure fix. I could not eat a lot of food. What I discovered was that YES, I could not eat much food at one time but I could eat all the wrong foods. I went back to eating on the run, not taking time to track my calories and drinking high calorie drinks. I managed to gain back 24 lbs of the 100 lbs I had lost. 2 ½ weeks ago, I decided this had to stop so I started tracking my food intake and was appalled to discover how much I was consuming. I started taking fitness classes at the YMCA, I am trying lots of different classes. So far, I really like step aerobics, Zumba and playing Pickleball. My favorite by far is Cardio Kickboxing! I started this before Dan started this healthy initiative. I am super excited with this initiative as I am hoping it will help me in my quest! What I have learned by my experience is that there is NO easy solution/fix to weight loss and healthy living. You have to be diligent every day, yes some days are better than other. If you have a bad day, don’t think that you have failed. Just remember, Life always offers you a second chance.. It is called tomorrow! Stay strong and remember……if you need to talk, I am here!