Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6...

Lose 10% in 6 months!

Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes!

Jan 01 - Jun 30/Game Closed
Hosted by WayBetter Kristin
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Jan 01



It's time to create your own magic in the biggest game of the year! Play to lose 10% of your weight in 6 months for a chance at $6,000 in prizes, including a $2,000 Tinggly Gift Card!



Game Begins

Jan 01

Last Day to Join

Jan 14


1st and 2nd of every month

Naomi D.

01/10/2025 10:17PM
  • So I trim horse hooves on the side, to help balance sedentary office work at my day job lol. I have been trimming since I was a teenager but took it up a few notches the last few years and started trimming for others etc. Anyway, I wasn't sure how to count my workout from trimming, but found this handy chart. I am sure trimming is at least as much a workout per hour as cleaning stalls so this is what I am going with for now, if it's a bit underestimated that's ok.

    I thought there was bound to be more equestrians in this group than just me, so I will leave this chart here for your interest or use!

Tabitha G. , Kim and like this photo.

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Rachel J.

Is that how many calories the horse is burning or the jockey sitting on top?

Naomi D.

Rachel it's a chart of how many calories the human burns through, if you ride using the proper seat and equitation it's a legit workout for sure, not to mention the calories burned feeding, grooming, tacking and heaven forbid chasing your horse around if you fall off

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