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Rachel J.

01/30/2025 4:50AM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes!
Soo, I'm definitely not making my goal this round. I think I've lost maybe 2lbs.

My workload essentially tripled at the start of this month as I took on a new teaching role on top of running a business and I have honestly been working 7 days a week, 12 hour days because that was the only way to get everything done... which has inevitably meant that health has come second (or third, maybe fourth).

Because I've been so fatigued some evenings I simply haven't cared what I was eating - I just needed enough energy to keep going, which has usually meant sugar.

I have just signed up to a healthy meal delivery service to help me for February and cut out a lot of shopping / meal prep time. I'm brainstorming today other ways I could help myself out so I can try and hit my goal for February.

But I was just thinking...

If I miss this round's goal, how does the next round work? Do I have to lose THIS round AND next round?! Because then I'll never catch up. :( Please could someone advise me?

Also any tips on how to prioritise health whilst working 70+ hour weeks lol...

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Rachel J.

Congrats Eli :). My not hitting the goal this month is not related to veganism at all - it's related to starting a new job on top of running a business, so I've been working 7 days a week, 12 hours a day which I am not used to at all and have just felt exhausted. I chose to outsource meal prep as that's one thing I can guarantee I can still get healthy vegan meals to help. If only I could outsource writing and designing a curriculum and running a business too lol. Yeah, maybe another game would be better so I don't feel behind!

Angela G.

I get meal deliveries too. Best thing I've done for my health and I've been doing it for over 2 years now. You'll be surprised how much time it saves AND mental energy. No more figuring out what to eat, its just in the fridge. Add a few other healthy snacks so you don't run to the sugar....and use the saved time to get some movement in. It will help with the stressful workload! And I agree with Eli, this group is very encouraging. It helps keep me motivated, even if I don't win the money in round 1, I'm moving forward which is a win in my book.

Naomi D.

01/10/2025 10:17PM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes!
  • So I trim horse hooves on the side, to help balance sedentary office work at my day job lol. I have been trimming since I was a teenager but took it up a few notches the last few years and started trimming for others etc. Anyway, I wasn't sure how to count my workout from trimming, but found this handy chart. I am sure trimming is at least as much a workout per hour as cleaning stalls so this is what I am going with for now, if it's a bit underestimated that's ok.

    I thought there was bound to be more equestrians in this group than just me, so I will leave this chart here for your interest or use!

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Rachel J.

Is that how many calories the horse is burning or the jockey sitting on top?

Naomi D.

Rachel it's a chart of how many calories the human burns through, if you ride using the proper seat and equitation it's a legit workout for sure, not to mention the calories burned feeding, grooming, tacking and heaven forbid chasing your horse around if you fall off

Eli M

01/09/2025 6:32AM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes!
  • My plan coming into this was to make a huge pot of split pea soup,
    and a huge pot of Mexican quinoa
    And freeze it in carefully portioned bags
    and then just microwave one when I was hungry. I found the freezing process didn't really effect the Mexican quonia much, but it did make the split pea soup less desirable... so when I made them last time, I modified the recipes a bit and mixed them together. The result was amazing! The spice from the Mexican quonia really shines with the mashed potato conistansy of the split pea soup. This photo is a 10 quart stock pot, full of so many whole foods. When it was over, I had 18 2-cup portions baged and in my freezer. Now when I get hungry I can pull it out of the freezer and go strait to the microwave like it's some ultra processed convenience meal... but it's so much better
    379 cal
    23g protein
    67g carbs
    28g fiber
    3g fat

DocMadeMeDoIt , Sardine and like this photo.

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Incredible!!! Can't wait to try these recipes - thanks for sharing! (And what great macros)

Rachel J.

Nice! I am struggling to get anywhere near close to 80g protein a day on a vegan diet when my calories are 1650. Also struggling to find time to batch cook as I'm exhausted from working two jobs, so opting a bit more for convenience at the moment. When I'm not working 7 days a week I'd like to get back into batch cooking!


01/01/2025 7:21PM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes!
Ugh… I’m returning—with 75 pounds more than when I won my game a year and a half ago. In the last few years, I’ve had a large number of life stressors, but the #1 contributor towards my weight gain was a job change—from a physically active job where I worked 12 hour shifts three days a week to a 5 day a week desk job. I gained about 7-8 lbs a month the first ten months on the job. Another factor is that when I worked three days a week, I also regularly went to the gym on my days off. Now I have half as many days off per week, and the nearest gym is over 20 miles from where I live.

I’m insanely sedentary. I need to find ways to fit activity in with 9 hours a day at a desk and kids to taxi around in the evenings and weekends. If you have any suggestions for small workouts to squeeze in throughout the day or exercises that work on strength and flexibility with minimal equipment, I’m all ears.

Kathy , DocMadeMeDoIt and like this comment.

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Rachel J.

I can totally relate to this! Before the pandemic I was a teacher in a classroom but I started my own online business in 2020 and that (combined with a hip injury that had me not walking for months in 2021) has led me to become very sedentary. I'm excited because I start a new part-time lecturing job today, so will be able to be on my feet two days a week teaching but, yes, for the other three I will still struggle. I did get a walk pad before to put under my desk which was great, but I've moved and live with other people now so it's not possible to use it in the office. However, we do have a treadmill downstairs and I try to wake up 30 mins earlier and just get in a 30 minute walk (where I am it's very cold - otherwise you could do this outside!) while listening to a podcast to start the day off well. When I get in steps early it motivates me to push harder throughout the day. E.g. Every 30 minutes taking a 3-minute break to walk up and down the stairs. Good luck and let's keep sharing tips and we're in the same boat!

Biking Syl

There are apps like stepbet with daily step goals. And I am not a morning person but I used to do online workouts at night, think YouTube workouts, anything from recorded Zumba classes to weight lifting.
Let's get back to that together!


01/01/2025 5:52PM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes!
  • Day 1 complete!
    Ran 30 min after work in the dark
    1782 calories, 98.8 grams protein

Kathy , Zoraida G. and like this photo.

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So I did eat roast beef today and packet of tuna.

I like the built puff bars, and quest protein chips. You should look at some of the protein powders to incorporate in your foods.


Oh I like eggs too but you can’t do that vegan


12/31/2024 7:34PM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes!
Weight is weird and finicky. Or scales. Apparently in the time it took me to change the word of the week for my two competitions I lost .2 pounds. It’s already working bahahaha.

Kathy , Cyndi R and like this comment.

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Mandie I must have given it to you!!


Jennifer B.

12/31/2024 7:21PM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes!
Hello Everyone! I’m excited to be joining this group. I lost my husband a year ago, my Mother this September, and my Father has had two heart surgeries this year. I have always been a stress eater and this has taken its toll. I have not been this heavy before. Looking forward to big changes in 2025, both physically and emotionally. Good luck everyone.

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Cindy D.

So sorry for your losses and heartbreaks! I hope this year is a good one!

Biking Syl

So sorry to hear that. But kudos for starting the year strong for yourself and your loved ones. You got this!

Marcela I.

12/31/2024 2:59PM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes!
Hola alguien en español allí? Feliz año !!!

Kathy , Biking Syl and like this comment.

Zoraida G.

Hola Marcela… Feliz Año nuevo :tada:

Rachel J.

Hola Marcela, soy de reino unido pero antes vivía en España!

Brian S.

12/31/2024 12:26PM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes!
  • WEEK 1 Workouts: Feel free to post what you're doing!

    One thing that keeps me motivated is having videos to help me train. There are so many gimmick and quick fixes out there but it really comes down to consistency over time.

    I've really grown to love to channel Tiff X Dan (Picture on this post). They have hundreds (If not thousands) of workouts! Doing a workout is as easy as starting up a video and then following along.

    Right now I'm doing 4 workouts a day (Stretching, core, yoga, weights). This may seem extreme but most of the workouts are 15-20 minutes and stretching/yoga are low intensity.

    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@TIFFxDAN

Kathy , Cyndi R and like this photo.

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Sarah K.

I’ve used HASFit on and off for years. Off just because of my lack of motivation. I always go back to them! Free on YouTube and they also have an app with pre-planned 30-90 day programs for pretty much anything you could want to workout.

Biking Syl

Awesome, thanks for the link!


12/31/2024 11:56AM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes!
  • Haha. 2025 will be much different.

Kathy , Gage F. and like this photo.

Rachel J.

Zoraida G.

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